Matoshri Academy, Eklahare, Nashik

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Raksha Bandhan

Raksha Bandhan

  • Raksha bandhan is a popular traditionally Hindu ,annual rite or ceremony ,which is central to a festival of the same name , celebrated in India Nepal and other parts of Sub Continent and Among Peaple around the world influence by Hindu Culture.
  • In the Indian Mythology,a full Moon day is Considered to be auspicious day. Rakshabandhan or Rakhi falls on a full moon day in a month of shravana (August).
  • The Festival of Rakhi brings a entire Family together and strengthening the bond of Love and affection between the siblings.
  • On 30 August 2023 in our School we celebrate with a great enthusiasm , girls tie rakhi to Boys and boys give them gifts as they can . there was various competitions held on that day . secondary section students made rakhi,primary section draw and colour the rakhi .