Matoshri Academy, Eklahare, Nashik

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Republic Day

Republic Day

  • Republic Day is celebrated every year in our country on January 26 to celebrate the day constitution of the India came in to effect.
  • The constitution was adopted by the Indian constituent Assembly on 26 November 1949, and came in to effect on 26 January 1950 with a democratic government system, completing the countries’ transition toward becoming an independent republic. 26 January was choosen as a Republic day because it was on this day in 1929 when declaration of Indian independence (Purn swaraj) was proclaimed by the Indian National congress as apposed to the Dominion status offered by British Regime.
  • For the 74th republic day out Matoshri Education Society’s all Principal, Teachers, students gathered on the ground at 7:30am. Our Hon.Trustee Mr. Kishor (Bhau) Darade, was the chief guest of the programme. He addressed all about the responsibilities of a good Indian and guide students for their bright future. Then Mrs. Suryawanshi Mam shared her experience about the former army officer, if they are protecting country then we should protect help their family as ours.
  • Then Our school added a spiritual sprit of patriotism with dance performance on ‘A watan mere abad rahe tu…’ song. At the end Mr. Gade sir thanked to all guest and parents.